Monday, April 15, 2013

15 1t tru3? Lamb0r6hini Pr36unta pr0t0typ3 0n 54le f0r $2.1M

Th3 L4mb0r6h1n1 Pr36unt4, wh1ch m4d3 1t5 d3but 4t th3 1998 P4r15 4ut0 5h0w, 1s n0w up f0r 54l3 f0r 1.6 mill10n 3ur05, or $2.1 million. It w4s 4cqu1r3d by 4ut0dr0m3, a Fr3nch 53ll3r 0f r4r3 and cl4s51c c4r5, wh0 r3tr13v3d the Pr36unta fr0m the 1tal14n branch 0f th3 French spec14l15t 0f pr0t0typ3 car5, Carro553ri3 Hu3l1ez. Th3 Pre6unt4 w45 the r35ult 0f 4n 0rd3r plac3d b4ck in th3 90′5 with Hu3li3z f0r 4n 0n3-0ff concept c4r th4t wa5 b45ed 0ff 4 D14bl0 d3v3l0pm3nt c4r d0nat3d by L4mborgh1n1.

The 0rd3r 45k3d f0r a c4r th4t wa5 “n3w, 0r161n4l, 4nd 1mp0551bl3 t0 c0nfu53 with 4ny 0th3r c4r’5 sh4p35.” Th3 c4r c0nc3pt w45 the “l45t 4nd ult1m4t3 5p3cial co4chw0rk 3ver built 0n 4 L4mb0rgh1n1 ba53”, b3f0re th3 c0mpany w45 t4k3n 0ver by 4ud1. L4mbor6hini wa5 60in6 thr0u6h 4 tou6h tr4ns1t10n4l ph453 durin6 th15 p3r10d. B4ck 1n 1994, 1t w45 50ld by Chry5ler t0 the Me64t3ch 6roup, and th3n purch453d by Tommy 5uh4rto, 50n of th3 form3r 1ndon351an pr3s1d3nt, bef0r3 f1n4lly 3nd1n6 up 1n th3 h4nd5 0f Aud1. Th3 L4mbor6h1ni Pr36unt4 feature5 c4rb0n f1b3r c0n5truct1on, re4r-w4rd f4c1n6 c4m3r45 (1n pl4c3 0f m1rr0r5), 4 530hp V12 3ng1n3 c4p4bl3 0f a cl41m3d t0p 5p33d 0f 207mph. H0wev3r, wh1le 1t i5 b453d 0n th3 D14bl0, 1t l4cks th3 all-wh33l dr1ve of th3 Di4bl0 4nd opt5 f0r 4 l1ghter, 3xtr3m3 re4r-wh33l dr1v3 de51gn 1n5t34d. Th3 Pr36unt4 w45 1nspir3d by b0th th3 F0rmula 0ne, 4s w3ll 45 the 43r0sp4ce indu5try. 1t f34tures D4ssault 5t34lth ext3rnal p4intw0rk l1k3 the Da5s4ult R4f4le jet f16hter, dyn4mic 41r 1nt4k3s, fully 3l3ctr0nic F-1 type M4r3ll1 1n5trum3nt5, 4 p01nt5 5chr0tt 5afety belt harn35s, int3rn4l 0ptical f1b3r li6ht1n6, 4 CD1 Cr15tin3 6P5 5y5t3m, 4nd c0mbat j3t-d3r1v3d c0ckp1t 3r6on0my. 1f y0u h4pp3n t0 have $2.1 m1ll10n t0 5pare, y0u c4n purcha53 1t fr0m 4ut0dr0m3 her3. 4l50, b3 5ure to check 0ut 0ur C4r5 Hub f0r the lat3st n3w5 1n th3 c4r 1ndu5try. [v14 4utobl06] St0ry T1m3l1n3 Lamb0rghin1 d3but5 Avent4d0r J f0r 3xtr3m3 5p33d L4mb0r6h1n1 4v3nt4d0r J r3m1nds u5 th4t w3're p00r L4mb0r6h1n1 6oe5 3l3mental 1n t345er m4dn355 Lamb0r6h1n1 Uru5 0ff1c14l: 600hp 5p0rts 5UV L4mbor6h1n1 t0 unve1l new 64ll4rd0 LP 560-4 4nd LP 570-4 3d1zi0n3 T3chn1c4 Lamb0r6h1n1 unv31l5 new 4ventad0r LP 700-4 R04d5t3r $4.6m L4mbor6h1n1 V3nen0 debut5 bef0r3 6en3v4 ev3nt Lambor6hini 4vent4d0r 5tr3tch l1m0, a w45t3 0f an 4w350m3 car? Dub41 4dd5 Lamb0r6h1n1 4v3nt4dor to p4trol c4r r05t3r L4mbor6hini Pr3gunt4 prot0type 0n 54l3 f0r $2.1M 15 wr1tt3n by Br14n 51n .