Recently I was assigned some task on Tumblr. And for achieving the desired goal, perquisite was to create a good number for follower on Tumblr. I did very detail research on web to see the methods for growing follower’s base on Tumblr. I also tried some experiment and gradually I got success. In this post I will share all those steps, methods and tools I used to increase my follower on Tumblr. I have divided all these methods in two category, first one is all those standard methods which one should follow to increase follower in traditional way, these methods give results in long time but this is the only method to get relevant followers and the second method is some tools which give instant follower but most of these won’t be your target audience but as these people followed by large number of followers they give very good visibility to your Tumblr blog. Before starting with those methods lets first understand what Tumblr is exactly.

Tumblr is one of the world’s most used blogging website. Tumblr is world’s 32nd most used website and also one of the easiest blogging sites. Users can easily post content in form of text, audio, video, link and picture. One of the best feature of Tumblr is this is free from advertisement. Here users can follow other user’s blog; also they can like and repost their blogs as well. In comparison to any other site communities on Tumblr are more active also Tumblr is very easy to navigate.As any other media platform or social media site require audience to publish their content so the Tumblr is, in Tumblr’s terminology these audience called follower. People follow blogs they find interesting for themselves. But how would a blogger can increase follower, there are many methods/steps are available for that. Traditional methods:First let’s talk about the traditional methods we use for most of the social networking sites. These methods always help to gain audience and these can be used for any media platform. There are some advantages and disadvantages of these methods. Advantages are these methods always work; these methods always create relevant target audience, increase reputation of publisher. And disadvantages are these methods are very slow, it takes years to create good audience base through these methods, and these methods take lot of hard work.Post tagging: This is just a method to categorize your blog/post. It helps to reach your blog to relevant/targeted audience. Tagged posts are more searchable in comparison to untagged posts. Always try to tag your posts with relevant tags it should not be case that you are tagging entertainment related post with business.Re-blog posts: When someone re-blog a post it reaches to everyone on Tumblr which create a very good visibility for posts.Like posts: Liking a post shows that you are active and social to interact with your followers who in turn help you to increase visibility of your posts as well.Quality content: On whichever platform you use, content is the only key to get good number audience if your content is not good no one going to read your post second time, so for getting regular visitors it’s very important to post quality content. Always try to keep your posts unique and always post good content.Follow other people: Start following people who have blogs similar to you, these people in return will follow you back most of the time.Ask your friends to follow you: You must be available one other social networking sites as well like on face book, twitter, LinkedIn, Google plus etc. Ask your friend from these websites to follow your Tumblr blog as well.Post pictures: Pictures are more catching in comparison to words. People star reacting fast to pictures. There is also very old saying “A picture is worth a thousand words”.Frequency: If you want to grow your network on any website it’s important to regularly visit that websites. So, keep visit your Tumblr account frequently and also try to post something.Tools:Other than traditional methods there are some tools, which can also be used to get instant follower in short time. One of the biggest disadvantages of these methods is this only help in increasing number it not give the direct relevant audience.Mainly these methods consist promotional forums, where you can promote your Tumblr blog, below are the list of some promotional website. You just need to register there and you’ll be shown in there active community and from there other active members can start following you.Tumblr FollowerInfinite FollowerFollower BlastTumblr PlusOther than above promotional forum there are some small companies who increase your follower and charges some amount for that. To get a list of these sites you can do Google.All above methods help me a lot in gaining a lot of followers and I hope these will help you as well :-)
Get Followers on Tumblr Images
how to get followers | Tumblr
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get followers on tumblr # tumblr blogs to follow
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... to get more followers on tumblr # how to gain more followers on tumblr
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How to Get more Followers on Tumblr Fast and Free - How to use Tumblr
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