Denman's Summer Solstice Community Vegan Potluck is scheduled for 6:30 pm, Sunday, June 23rd. Come on out and join in on a delicious 100% plant-based feast in the company of friends and neighbours, some of whom you may have yet to meet...everyone welcome! Just a week after Father's Day, our after dinner presentation for this now quarterly series will be a repeat screening of the documentary “Mad Cowboy”. Based on the best-selling book: “Mad Cowboy: Plain Truth from the Cattle Rancher Who Won't Eat Meat”, the story of Howard Lyman's transition from fourth generation animal farmer to vegan and stock-free growing enthusiast is fascinating, informative and inspirational. Included among the various challenges Howard has navigated since deciding it was time to seriously re-evaluate his life, was a five year long battle with the Cattleman's Association in a defamation lawsuit. He won!

This is the second showing of this doc at one of our potlucks...we're bringing it back by popular demand! Howard and his wonderful wife Willow, who you will also see in the film, gifted Denman this fabulous documentary after a speaking engagement in the Comox Valley. Our first showing was seven years ago and it's still as timely as ever!)

Time permitting- and in the spirit of honoring positive masculine role models during the month of Father's Day- we also hope to share one or two short audio-visual pieces featuring other courageous men who are inspiring a re-evaluation of traditional male privilege in favor of a more just and compassionate world. Any 100% plant-based soup, salad, entree or dessert (free of eggs, dairy, honey and gelatin, please) is a suitable contribution to our well-loved smorgasbord. You needn't be vegan or vegetarian to join in, and nothing fancy is required unless you are so inspired! Call for suggestions if you could use some supportive ideas, and please remember to bring an ingredient list. All plates and cutlery are supplied, and admission is by donation (suggested $3-$5 towards expenses). Thankyou for helping keep the potluck series 'scent-free' for the comfort of community members with chemical sensitivities. For further information call 5-1209, or visit the now quarterly series home page on line.extra: Click HERE for my related article on the 'myth of meat' and it's association with masculinity... and for a delicious new recipe idea! -Fireweed www.thetransitionkitchen.blogspot.ca
Summer Solstice Potluck Madness, June 23, 2013 Images
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Denman's Community Vegan Potluck Series
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Annual Summer Solstice Celebration at Live Earth Farm - Announcements ...
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The Sky Bed is great for star gazing
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