Thursday - Day 67Having to make up for my hump day fail, I made sure I was up and ready to go at 6am to hammer out my morning workout. It was a great workout, did some front squats with kettlebell burpees.The kettlebell swing burpees were awkward and I never found a true rhythm with them but I did 40 with the 50lbs kettlebell then did 40 normal to make it even. Overall, it was a good workout, I pushed my cardio hard on the bike and then skipping rope, it felt really good to get caught up after my slacked Wednesday.My Thursday was pretty straight forward, until my friend Brie asked me to go do crossfit with her. I was skeptical about doing crossfit after having done my morning workout, plus I was scheduled to have some ice cream after work, and I am a sucker for ice cream so I didn’t want to have to drop that from my schedule as well. I finally committed to the crossfit at 7 (enough time to let the ice cream settle) and started to mentally prepare myself for the battle that I knew was coming. I have done some crossfit before when I was in Australia but I’ve never been a part of a crossfit gym where I know the standards are a lot higher than a regular gym.So I am not going to lie, I was quite nervous rolling up to the crossfit gym, all I could think about was hearing “no rep” like when I was in Australia and this crossfit stud Andrew Berridge just demoralizing my workout with reminding me that I was not doing the complete exercise. On one side I hated it, on the other, I appreciated (sort of not really) as it forced me to push myself harder and do the exercises right. The one exercise I did with him watching was “Fran” Berridge 2 years ago, threw down a ridiculous time of like 2:21 or something like that, after making a sarcastic remark about his time I was thus forced to do the same exercise.. It took me like 6 or 7 minutes and from then on out, I realized the addicting nature of crossfit. Here is the "fran" exercise. Yet my experience here in Red Deer, was different and quite refreshing. I ended up in an “on ramp” class for beginners, one because Brie is brand new to crossfit, and secondly, because even though I know the exercises, crossfit has different definitions and form that they prefer and my form can always use more tweaking. As I mentioned in a previous post, my cleans can be quite awkward..The WOD (Workout of the Day) was half your max body weight squats, pushups and dips, done 5 times. They put a cap on the squats, pushups and dips of (50, 30, 20 respectfully). Now the squats are not an issue, being a goalie this is my go to, I can do these practically all day long (squats, plus pulling pucks out of my net and shooting them down the ice are a breeze and I am well-conditioned in both movements). I also thought the dips and pushups would be a breeze but when you do them 5 times, especially for a second workout of the day, pain starts to set in. One of the dumber things I did during the WOD was use Olympic rings (link it) for my dips, as there were not enough dipping stations and I figured I would be a hero and do my dips on the rings (terrible, terrible idea, my triceps still hurt 2 days later). As much as I bitch about it, I eventually got it done and pushed myself to the danger zone (got to love the 80's).Overall the pain was quite extensive, did make me think about using creatine again, if I keep doing crossfit + the burpee challenge it might come in handy.. I haven’t fully decided if I will use it, but the thought has crossed my mind. Either way I have found the gym that I was searching for (I wish it had some punching bags or something to kick, but I'm sure I’ll survive) It is just nice to be back in the groove again, even if it’s just for the short term, it should be pretty awesome. Fruitcake Friday - Day 68Now I’m going to jump ahead for a moment to then jump back, so just bear with me. So for those who have not already figured it out, I am “unusual / unique” one because I am awesome and secondly because I am a goalie and well goalies are weird. Dun dun dun hence the blog name ;).Our office has casual Fridays and the weather has been warm, but also a bit wet as of late so I figured I would dress accordingly.

The name for this posting comes from a friend of mine commenting about my outfit from said picture later in the day. We all had a laugh and thus we decided that my blog posting should be noted as Fruitcake Friday (I can’t disagree).Now back to the beginning of the day, when I got up at 6am, it was more out of necessity than anything else. I was quite sore and realized that I needed to hit the gym to ride out some lactic acid and also to get a good stretch in. I also had a feeling my burpees might be tougher due to soreness so I wanted to get a good start at them, just in case I had to spread them out amongst the day. I ended up being okay, and found a way to get my rounded up 70 hammered out during my morning workout (they weren’t as bad as I thought)So back to my outfit, I felt confident about it, hell with my cheek bones I can rock whatever the hell I want… hah, yeah couldn’t keep a straight face either. But I wasn’t that confident enough to walk right into the front door of the office with the entire getup on, I rocked the jacket but I dropped the hat when I walked inside as I felt like it might be a bit too much. Yet when it came time for lunch, I was ready. I rocked the coat and hat, and I was glad I did, as there were about 5-10 rain drops that my coat and hat kept me dry from, which without a doubt makes the entire ensemble worth its weight in gold (which is a lot, that coat is heavier than you would think). I definitely got some interesting looks and comments made towards the outfit but it was worth it, and I have no complaints regarding its awesomeness. What ended up being the hardest part of my day was actually eating a lobster, it was an epic battle to get all the meat, and it was tasty but definitely needed a bigger lobster. Something like Pinchy Full episode here (sorry for the free ad pop ups) I am still quite happy with my week, making headway to the 100 day milestone (still a month away but everyday does make me more confident / dedicated about it.) For all those doing the burpee challenge, I lay the question out, are you feeling more dedicated or fed up now? Or is this a building experience where you just get more and more attached and don’t want to drop out early?Thanks again for reading, and Ill post up my weekend, tomorrow night (going to try combining multiple days.) Cheers and thanks: D Sorry for the delay - I posted this blog post yesterday which took up the time, has nothing to do about burpees but more about some clown pissing me off..
Thursday 2 a days, and Fruitcake Fridays Images
fabulous friday: Christmas Fruitcake
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Ocean « Custom Cake Bakery | Wedding Cakes | Birthday Cakes | Unique ...
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This weeks Illustration Friday topic is "faded."
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... Living and Eating: Dirt Cake: Happy Earth Day 2013! #Foodie Friday
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